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Diploma In Banking Studies (ITM Dungun) Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (Tanjung Malim) Bachelor(Ed)Major Mathematics

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Special request - sumber : -keretamayat-

Tertarik dgn topik ini...

'Special Request' lagi ?
(kepada Pakcik Technorati, kadang kadang kau buat aku senyum seorang diri...)

Hari ini aku bukak blog dan rasa sayu bila baca komen dari seorang pembaca setia blog ini.., rasa sayu sebab beliau guna ayat: "aku nak mati".

Patut beliau tulis “aku nak naik kereta mayat” yang akan membawa kepada banyak persoalan dan maksud yang boleh dibahaskan, yang mana mungkin maksudnya nak jalan-jalan ke kubur untuk belajar insaf, atau mungkin tak nak puasa, atau mungkin maksudnya nak melamar penulis blog kereta mayat,! Atau mungkin nak pinjam kereta pergi mencari ketenangan, atau jalan-jalan cari makan,.., so takdelah orang nak fikir yang bukan-bukan…

Tapi bila beliau tulis "aku nak mati".., rasa semacamlah pulak.

Kenapa sedih sangat ni?
Dah habis cerita kat Tuhan jam 3 pagi sampai subuh, belum?
Dah basahkan sejadah dengan air mata?

(Tanya aku sambil korek hidung..)

Baiklah, sebab dah terlanjur publish kat sini, biar aku cerita sikit tentang beliau kepada korang..

Beliau yang tulis "aku nak mati” pada komen entry yang lalu adalah seorang pembaca setia blog ini ketika awal-awal aku tulis blog, beliau adalah antara pembaca yang selalu bagi komen sehingga aku jadi ‘kenal’ dan 'mesra'.., beliau jugak selalu berlumba lumba nak jadi first komen, iaitu satu penyakit yang biasa di hadapi oleh pembaca pembaca blog yang ‘agak’ popular ini. Ehem! (tapi itu dulu)

Nak di jadikan cerita, Pada satu hari, kami di takdirkan bertemu secara live, secara tak sengaja.., dan selepas itu selalu jugaklah kami bertemu(berselisih) kerana tempat kerja kita orang dekat-dekat.., dan aku telah menjadi ‘ustaz’ di matanya, yang mana segala masalah ugama di rujuk kepada aku..,(melalui email)..

Untuk makluman, beliau adalah seorang perempuan bujang, dan aku telah kenalkan dia kepada isteriku, err, maksud aku.., aku yang kenalkan isteri aku kepadanya, pun secara berbetulan…

Sehinggalah pada suatu hari, beliau SMS cakap dia dah ada kat airport dan dah nak pergi ke luar Negara kerana urusan masa depan.. mintak aku doa selamat.

Begitulah lebih kurang ceritanya..

Namun setelah berbulan-bulan menghilangkan diri membawa diri, hari ini beliau muncul kembali sambil mengadu sedang berada dalam keadaan gelisah.., dan gelisah ini bukannya di sebabkan oleh hidayat nak masuk atau hidayat nak keluar katanya.., tapi nampak macam gelisah nak mati..oh!

Beliau mintak aku komen sikit tentang kegelisahan hati beliau..…

Akupun tak pandai sangat, lantas terus pergi tanya Pakcik Google sebagai rujukan terdekat, yang mana Pak Cik Google suruh aku tanya sama itu Pakcik Technorati pulak..

Melalui Technorati, yang mana memberi maklumat akan 219 blog telah reaction dengan keretamayat, aku dengan rajinnya pergi check link pembaca blog yang sedia ada dan terkini lalu merujuk entry-entry tentang masalah hidup mereka yang telah dapat di selesaikan asbab baca blog aku kononnya...

Terima kasih Pakcik Technorati, kerana aku dah jumpa entry ini. Harap dapat membantu.


Assalamualaikum all,

I guess the theme for last week would be ‘Facing test and adversity’. It’s not just me but to some people who play important part in my life too. 50 minutes before the clock turned to a new week, I decided to ask help from my dearest significant other with certain chore. My dsf did it but it was not up to my expectation. Pressurized with loads of markings to do and of course ample housework to be done, I was about to breakdown and cry but I know this is just teenie weenie bits of life to be burdened about.

So I decided to just take it easy coz I know there are people out there who face much worse problems than I do. Allah knows the best indeed. At least it has given me a chance to re organize certain things and come up with one good thing that might help me and him in the future.

Alhamdulillah. While surfing looking for ideas, I stumbled into Amy’s website and she mentioned about this great ideas posted by a blogger who I sometimes visit. He introduces the concept ‘Special Request’ which indeed has made me feel special in the eyes of Allah . Alhamdulillah.

So I’m just gonna re post what he wrote and hopefully it helps you the way it did with me. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Akhi. I love ya because of Allah .

The translated version from keretamayat blogspot ( I try my best to do so okay, so if those who read it has certain thought and wants to correct me, you are most welcome).

“The term ‘Special Request’ is mainly referring to those who are facing some bad lucks or test in their life or who are having such unfortunate moments. But all of these terms are dependent on how one perceives it, be it duniawi (mostly nafs or referring to materialistic view or in general Jahiliyah view) or Islamic way.

Then from here several questions would popped up:

Who is this request from? ….
It’s from Allah SWT

Reasons? ….
“don’t you ever admit or declare that you are of people with Iman until you are tested”

What does Allah request actually? ..
“patience, accepting qadha & qadar ( belief in devine decree of Allah ) and to always have good thoughts about everything that has happened to you”

If I don’t accept this request, what will happen? ……
“Life filled with misery, nervous breakdown, depression, anxiety for no apparent reasons, some of which could lead to suicidal thought and thinking of committing suicide and in the end if they did so, during the judgement day you will receive what you deserve, kufur is for those who commit suicide and hence they will go to hell during the judgement day. Na’uzubillah..

Why is this request so special? ….’
Because Allah has chosen us to face the test that He gives at that time and not all people face this test, and it is special because you are able to accept this test with open heart and full of patience, you will be happy to know to be able to enter His indescribably beautiful heaven’

Alright, in short it all comes to this:-

Special request means that one should not declare or admit that he or she is fill with Iman before you are tested, and that is why Allah test you, because Allah loves those who are ’special’ and thus ‘request’ that ’special people’ to be patience, and accept what is faced with open heart and no judgment against Allah which means to always think positively in whatever situation you are in. This is one of the ways that could save you from being in hell and to be placed in the heaven. So it’s like paying your dues in a way. Hence making whatever the test or adversity you are in to be such a beautiful thing in life and in addition to that sometimes there’s the blessing that you need that you haven’t seen. Therefore, because the term for this kind of event would need such a long explanation such as mentioned, the writer of this blog uses the term ‘Special Request’ in short.

The writer also thinks that maybe that is why the sahabahs (Prophet’s companions) and the pious ones love to be tested as they understand this term very deeply and clearly.”



(Aku jadi teruja pulak, dan terus tanya lagi pakcik Technorati dan jumpa pulak entry ini…)

Creative Way For Enduring Tests

As individuals who are loved by Allah, there will be tests that we have to endure. We’ll feel sad, frustrated and utterly down in the dumps. Especially if the test is something bad, or worse. Like being duped, or being caught in the middle of an earthquake/flood/fire and losing everything, or being caught in an accident, or something similar.

We are asked to be patient and remain steadfast with our patience, as ordained by Allah in Al-Imran ayat 200. If we are not patient and accept the fact that we are tested by Allah, depression, hurt and prolonged sadness is bound to happen.

What’s so special about being tested, you might ask. Well, the very fact that we are tested is because Allah chose us, and thus because He chose us, He wants to test our faith, and if we endure this test with a sense of contentment, the heart feels glad and our lives became much better.

Special Request means: don’t say you have faith before you are tested, Allah tests you as He loves you because you are special. Thus, it is a request to remain patient and remain steadfast in your patience, as Allah wants to save you from His wrath, and wants to be pleased with you. Now, when you just remember the very reason Allah tests you, doesn’t that make the test that you have to endure make you smile and at the same time, feel good and special?

Jazakallah to Hamka who first had come up with this creative way.



Terima kasih encik technorati, sekarang aku ada cerita yang agak menarik tentang ‘special request’ ini, kisah benar, iaitu jika korang perasan dalam entry aku tentang ‘special request’ yang lepas, aku ada tulis akan satu watak yang telah beli handset dengan harga yang murah, tapi takde guarantee certificate, yang mana bila pakai tak sampai seminggu, HP tu tiba-tiba rosak..,

Setelah bersedih, akhirnya beliau tak jadi nak sedih bila faham konsep special request, beliau faham bahawa jika satu syarikat keluarkan production dia satu juta sehari, dan bila di pasarkan baru perasan satu dari produk itu out of spec, bila dah masuk pasaran susah nak trace, jadi siapa yang terbeli tentu sedih... Tapi tak jadi sedih akhirnya kerana tahu konsep ini lalu beliaulah orangnya yang paling sesuai beli barang dalam katogori "special Request”. Allah yang takdirkan dia beli barang itu, and Allah knows best!,

Yang menariknya akan cerita beli Hanset ini, rupa-rupanya penjual Handset itu juga adalah seorang yang selalu baca blog aku, bila baca bab jual handset beliau terperasan bahawa beliaulah watak 'jahat' dalam cerita tu lalu jumpa watak yang bersedih tapi dah tak sedih malahan tak mengadupun pada dia sebab takde surat jaminan.., tapi sebab penjual tupun paham konsep special request, penjual tu bagi dia handset yang baru dan bagi lagi RM 50 sebagai diskaun..

Tak ke special kes??

Jadi begitulah cerita special request telah berjalan ke seluruh dunia, mudah-mudahan.., (Macam riaklah pulak, oh! semua dari Allah) Namun yang penting kita dapat point dari ‘special request’ dalam kehidupan kita sehari hari..

Sesungguhnya, ‘special request’ itu telah di tulis 50 ribu tahun sebelum Allah jadikan kita.., apa lagi nak di kata?

Tak gitu cik adik linanilza?

Oleh yang demikian, wahai cik adik yang 'aku nak mati' .., jika ada masa bolehlah tengok filem "Pay It Forward". Yang telah di edit oleh MFR.

Dan baca ulasan filem itu di sini, dan sini.


Ps: Err, masih “Nak mati” atau dah tukar kepada “nak naik kereta mayat”?

: )

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